Our high school, the South Brunswick High school, just had a recent lose. Our football coach has resigned. After a 9 and 2 record and bringing the team to the playoffs he has quit. Coach Mantz has left with a good title , by leading the team to their first playoff win. But he hasn't officially said why he had left. Some want him to join Rutgers and help coaching there some how. "
Numerous attempts to reach Mr. Mantz and Athletic Director Elaine McGrath were unsuccessful on Wednesday." I guess Mr. Mantz just wants to be left alone. I am saddend by this event becuase he did such a good job. But it happends and change must occur. Lets just hope that the South Brunwick High School gets another succesful coach.
Dead Fish in NJ Lab
Today in science class we did a lab on how fish have been dieing in the
Raritan by the millions overnight. The Raritan bay is located close to
Rutgers Univ...
15 years ago
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