Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Local Current Events/ Social Studies

Our high school, the South Brunswick High school, just had a recent lose. Our football coach has resigned. After a 9 and 2 record and bringing the team to the playoffs he has quit. Coach Mantz has left with a good title , by leading the team to their first playoff win. But he hasn't officially said why he had left. Some want him to join Rutgers and help coaching there some how. "
Numerous attempts to reach Mr. Mantz and Athletic Director Elaine McGrath were unsuccessful on Wednesday." I guess Mr. Mantz just wants to be left alone. I am saddend by this event becuase he did such a good job. But it happends and change must occur. Lets just hope that the South Brunwick High School gets another succesful coach.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Class Response

Sir Isaac Newton is one of the most well known scientists known in today's time. His work was about 300 years ago, but his theories are still correct and used throughout life now. Just driving in a car is using one of Newton's laws. Isaac Newton has 3 laws of motion; 1. "Every object persists in its state or rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless its compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it", 2. " Force is equal to the change in momentum(mv) per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration' F(force)=M(mass) X A(acceleration)", 3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Isaac Newton was so smart, when he was only 23, he already had theories of gravitation! In science class, we are making roller coasters out of simple items, like paper tubes. The marble, when rolling down the coaster, is applied to law 1. The marble is moving in a straight line down the coaster until a hill comes up and exerts a force upon the marble, which slows it down. My opinion on this topic is very shocked. I am amazed that from 300 years ago a theory is still in place. People even tried to disprove Newton's laws, but failed. I give kudos to Sir Isaac Newton and hope is Laws Of Motion stay in place for the rest of time on Earth.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Social Studies Blog

Some recent state news was that Governor Corzine signed a bill for letting guns be purchased in New Jersey. The law states that a gun can be purchased by legal buyers only once every 30 days. Most people disagree with Governor Corzine's decision because New jersey has very st stict gun laws and that how do they know they wont buy guns for criminals. Also, since the gun doesn't have a legitimate purpose, the handgun will be abused.
"Trying to reduce gun crime by rationing guns to law-abiding citizens is as absurd as trying to reduce drunk driving by rationing cars to responsible drinkers, which is why New Jersey courts have twice rejected such laws," was a quote from Scott Bach, President of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs. This is saying the law doesn't technically prevent anything, regarding the safeness of the citizens. I oppose this law and I'm not sure why he would make such a law. New Jersey is one of the view states that is very safe and aware of guns and their laws. Now it made our state less as respected in the opposing gun war.