Thursday, May 21, 2009

October Sky

In science class, we recently watched a movie relating to science, math and character education. The movie we watched was October Sky. It was about a young man who wanted bigger and better things then other peoples expectations of him.
This movie connects to character education becuase it shoes self-control. Homer and his pals, failed rocket lift off many times. Instead of getting mad and making the situation worse, they tried again. Their self-control showed the whole town that if you keep trying, you can do whatever you plan on. After many test rockets they got a succesful, high in the air lift off. The movie showed cooperation when the team worked together to build a more efficiant rocket. Also they cooperated with the teachers, and metal workers. With everyones help they were succesfull. With out cooperation in a group, nothing can be completed. It also showed respect. When the group had to pick one person to go to the science convention, they picked Homer. They knew he had earned it, and studied alot of rocket science to get there.
This movie showed science and math connections too. When they got in trouble with the cops, they used math to show they were innocent of setting a fire. They showed that the power, and angles of the rocket they fired , and the wind, couldnt match up with that spot. This movie was very educational and was alot more than just the eyes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tay Sachs Disease Review

After reading a fellow students blog, I have a better understanding on the Genetic Disorder Tay Sachs disease. Tay sachs disease is when the the enzyme that controls the fat tissue in the brain is lacking, and it builds up in the nerves in the brain. When this occurs many symptoms happen. First, the infant gets red dots in their eyes, and mental and physical activities become impossible to do. Some later symptoms are blindness, being unable to swallow, seizures, becoming deaf, and being more startled by loud noises. This disease is recessive so it acquires both parents to have it. Tay Sachs disease mostly effects babies that are French, Canadian, and with Eastern European and Jewish family. The sad part about this disease is that there is no cure. Only few medicines to help control the pain and suffering. Most of the money donated for Tay Sachs disease doesn't go to the cure, but instead to pleasure and cheer up children with this genetic disorder. I have sympathy and sadness for people that have Tay Sachs disease. They undergo so much that it just breaks your heart.


Phenlyketonuria is a very rare but very harmful disease. Phenlyketonuria is when a baby lacks the enzyme to convert phenylalanine into tyrosine after protein is consumed. When the symptoms are not treated, such as a musty odor in the skin, hair and urine, loss of weight from vomiting and chronic diarrhea, and sensitivity to light, Phenyalalnine then builds up in the blood stream and brain. It clogs it all up and can create central nervous system problems, and mental retardation. Only one out of 10,000 - 15,000 get this disease, but it is devastating. Phenlyketonuria shows up more in White and Asian people and could only be acquired  when your born. PKU, another name for Phenylketonuria, is a recessive allele. So in order to get this disease both parents need to be PKU dominant. If one parent held a PKU allele , and the other doesn't, the baby would be a PKU carrier but not show symptoms of the disease. PKU takes the lives of about 27,000 humans a year. Ivar Asbjorn Folling discovered the disease in 1934, and people have been trying to find cures for PKU ever since. One of the few treatments out there for a person with PKU are a life long, special induced protein diet. They have to be careful because you need protein to keep your body functioning and to build and fix cells. I feel sad to hear about this disease because, people who have it, have it for their whole lives and got it when they were born. I wish I could help people with PKU and make their lives more enjoyable. PKU awareness can help everyone and will help understand what people go through daily.