Sunday, January 25, 2009

Current Event

Professor James Friend and his crew at Monash University have been researching and trying to miniaturize the tubes to look into patients body during surgery. Even in smaller operations, damage has been done because of the over sized tube that are being moved around in the body. It could sometimes cut and artery or blood vessel. They needed to find a way to fix that problem. They have been looking for an answer for the past two years. Professor Friend used
piezoelectricity, the energy used for stoves, in extremely small mechanical robots to swim around in the blood. This is an easy way to look at the problem in the body with out more damage done. I think that the scientific age is growing at a rapid pace. Miniaturizing objects is a very smart thing to do. It says in the article it could probably even reach the brain area with these small robots. I am shocked and intrigued by how by just making an object smaller it could have many benefits.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social studies Blog

An important event in history has recently occurred. Yes, the inauguration for the 44Th president has occurred. But, what is a great part of this is that President Barrack Hussein Obama is the first black president in the United States. Many years ago people thought a black president was impossible. Now to actually see it happen, resurrects the souls of many and even kids know they can be what ever they want to be when there older. I think that this whole event is amazing. I can be able to tell my kids how i witnessed what had happend. A black man is president. Breaking the barrior of what can be done.

“Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America,” Some thought as heroic words, but this inspirational sentence shows the start of a new nation. One that is more united and that will have to work a little to be the best country we can. One part in article number one it is telling how there was some struggle at when Obama was being sworn in. Jusitce Roberts messed up with the words slightly. So it was a little wierd. But after that it all went smooth. There was so many people who went to the swearing in. It was loud and filled with emotions. There was much police at the event to prevent an accedent.

"first black leader as millions watched from the National Mall and around the world." This quote was saying that many people from around the world watched this important event. Especially since America might be on the brink of a world war III. But Obama is there to insure the saftey of our country and expedite the process of recovering the economy. We trust him and expect Barrack to do good. He has already started to fit in to the White House and got to work in Guantonomo Bay. ( article 1) (article 2)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Current Event

Can rocks move? Well on mars small rocks called clasts seem to move a lot. Scientist were stunned by this phenomenon. Jon Pelletier a geologist has been trying to find out how these scattered clasts "move". It seemed to be that the wind blew the rocks forward. But since the planet mars has a skinny atmosphere that would be harder to do. So what scientist found out was that the rocks go through a system called the "tidy arrangement". What scientist think what happens is that the wind from the windy planet picks up sand from the planet and places it behind the rock. Making small dunes behind the rock. Which also creates a hole in front of the rock. So as long as the wind keeps blowing in Mars the clasts will keep moving.