Thursday, May 29, 2008

Class response

Wind is a powerful renewable source. In wind theres Air currents and global wind patterns. The global wind patterns are Pervailing Easterlies, the westerlies , horse lattitudes, and doldrums. The earths roatation affects the path of the winds. Which causes many things. We also learned about land breezes and sea breezes. A sea breeze is during the day and the cooler air from the water replaces hot air over the shore. A land breeze is when the cooler air over shore replaces hotter air over sea.
Wind is usually the least expensive form of energy. Creating wind energy leaves no harmful waste to the enviroment. Wind is unlimited!

Class response

Oil is one of the most used items in the modern day society. You would think it's easy to acquire, unfortunately it is not. Oil is formed from the remains of plants and animals that was in the ocean many millions of years ago. The remains got covered in all sorts of things. When more layers came upon each other heat and pressure works on the source and turns into oil. For oil to be kept you must have a source, a reservoir and a lid. Unfortunately people cannot make oil or attain it by them selves. Big oil companies spend millions of dollars to get this liquid and sell it to the world. In 1996 1,047,200 million barrels of oil. Its running out. Especially because the USA is the top oil consumer in the world. Its up to the next generation to preserve natural wonders.
